“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” —Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

Just as God doesn’t speak an empty or frivolous word He doesn’t plant a promise or a dream in your heart without purpose. Something I have learned through over a decade of living a dry life lacking vision—lacking purpose—is this: dreams are like plants—they need water to grow and thrive. And watering dreams happens in the secret place. It’s in that quiet time of fellowship with our Lord that He sprinkles His life-giving water on what He’s planted in your heart. Often we stop praying into our dreams because we don’t see the fulfillment quick enough. Soon after we find discouragement has crept its way in like a lion stalking its prey. And then, seizing the opportunity, the enemy pummels us with his lies and accusations “See… you were never going to accomplish that. You’re not qualified for that. I told you God didn’t really have a plan for your life. You’re too far gone now.” Next thing we know we are living life settling for any good thing we can get our hands on in order to feel some semblance of validation because we’re convinced God can’t use us anymore. Sound familiar?

God plants dreams in your heart like seeds and He saturates the soil of your heart with His life-giving water to bring nourishment and growth. Dreams are glimpses of His promise and destiny for your life. If you’re not spending time in His presence, you’re not going to see those dreams grow into what God planted them for. He is the Gardener. He plants with purpose and He waters during your abiding time with Him. Just as He prunes us and we bear much fruit in this abiding time, which we discuss more in later chapters.

Friend, it’s vital that you never stop watering your dreams! Never stop bringing them before the Lord and sowing into them through prayer. When God gives you a dream or a vision for your life, it doesn’t mean it’s going to come into fullness immediately. God’s timing is much different than ours. It took me over a decade to realize this. But God is faithful and His promises are yes, and amen (2 Cor. 1:20).

God wants to unlock the dreams inside of you! He’s calling out to dry bones, “Come alive!” He’s calling out to dried-up dreams, “Come alive!” Commit to God that you’re going to spend time with Him praying into your destiny allowing Him to water what’s been planted. He has a plan and a purpose for your life!

[[Exerpted from my book, Created for the Impossible, Chapter 7 “God’s Promises”]]

Weekly Challenge: Speak life over yourself each and everyday. Agree with the promises God has spoken into your life. Thank Him for them. Even if you’ve not seen them come to pass yet… just thank Him… Prophesy! Speak it out as though it were.

I love you,


Has God spoken a dream or a promise in your heart? Have you seen fulfillment yet? Or are you still waiting? Please comment below, I’d love to be agreeing with you and praying for you!