In life, we often encounter a daunting obstacle: comparison. It’s a hurdle that whispers persistently, “Someone else can do it better.” I, too, have wrestled with this mindset, especially when the dream of writing a book resurfaced after years on the shelf.

The Challenge of Comparison

The struggle with comparison often begins with questioning our own abilities and worth. We convince ourselves that our dreams are not for us because someone else appears more qualified, more equipped. This was my experience as I held my baby girl, questioning my identity and the crumbling ambitions I once held dear.

Finding My Unique Path

As I navigated this new chapter of life, God called me to focus on being a mom and to revisit my dream of writing a book. Despite feeling unqualified and wrestling with the thought that “someone else can do it better,” I chose to pursue this dream. In doing so, I learned a crucial lesson: comparison is a wall built by the lies we believe about our inadequacies.

The Wall of Comparison

Comparison, defined as examining items to establish similarities and dissimilarities, often leads us to feel inferior or superior. It’s a trap that keeps us from moving forward, from embracing the destiny God has for us.

Breaking Down the Wall

The wall of comparison shatters when we embrace the truth of Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” There is no one better to fulfill God’s call on your life than you. Your uniqueness, your perceived weaknesses, are exactly why God can use you. In your limitations, you find the perfect space for His strength to manifest.

Believe What God Says About You

God calls you beloved, friend, and a unique, one-of-a-kind creation. He says, “Stop comparing yourself to others and embrace your unique calling.” Believe that in your weakness, His power is made perfect.

Moving Forward

We learn from Moses in the Bible that God doesn’t necesarily call those who are qualified; He qualifies those He calls. Moses doubted his ability to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, but God pursued him, assuring him of His presence and support.


“Father, help me to break down the wall of comparison. Empower me to embrace my weaknesses, allowing Your power and strength to flow through me. I believe I am called, beloved, and qualified by You to move forward in my life as I am. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

As you navigate through life, remember to say goodbye to comparison. Believe in what God says about you. You are called, qualified, and uniquely equipped for the journey He has set before you. Let’s step forward, free from comparison, into the marvelous light of God’s plan for us.

In His Strength,



Check out last week’s discussion on Insecurity here.