When You Need Hope

When You Need Hope

HOPE. “Where there is no vision, the people perish,” Proverbs. 29:18. I had been struggling. I had lost vision for my life. I couldn’t see the purpose in the things I was doing anymore. I felt lost. I felt confused. I cried out to God for answers… For...
When You Need a Healing Word

When You Need a Healing Word

“He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.” —Psalm 107:20 NIV As I was driving down the road today I found myself reflecting back on a time in my life when I was dry, weary and broken hearted. I was at the end of my rope and...
When You Need a Hand to Hold

When You Need a Hand to Hold

Today I want to share a video devotional with you. Do you ever find yourself longing for the “simpler” days to return? The days when you had a hand to hold. You know—those days as a child when a strong, caring hand would cover yours gently guiding you to safety....