Throughout my life, the fear of failure has been a familiar adversary. Each new venture brought with it the haunting question: “But what if I fail?” Over time, I’ve come to understand that true success isn’t about outcomes but about obedience to God’s call.

The Grip of Fear of Failure

In my career in the fitness industry and as a business professional, the fear of failure was a constant presence. Balancing my own view of success with the pressure to deliver results was a daunting task. This fear often manifested in stressful questions like “Is my best enough?” and “What will happen if I fail?”

Redefining Failure

My father, Dr. James Torkildson, always encouraged me to focus on doing what’s right and leaving the outcome to the Lord. This advice is vital in overcoming the fear of failure. We need to redefine failure, seeing it not as a negative end but as part of the journey.

The Wall of Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is often rooted in our perception of falling short. It’s a common motivator, yet it can become crippling, especially when we focus too much on outcomes. This fear is a trap set by the enemy, making us regard our own efforts and abilities over God’s supernatural ability.

Shattering the Wall of Fear of Failure

Breaking free from the fear of failure involves realizing that Jesus doesn’t expect us to avoid failure; He wants us to move forward in obedience. Peter’s experience of walking on water with Jesus illustrates this beautifully. When Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he was able to do the impossible. It was only when he focused on his surroundings that he began to sink.

Embracing Our Identity in God

We can overcome the fear of failure by fixing our eyes on Jesus. What is He saying to you? Where is He leading you? Our focus determines our fears. Do we focus on our potential failure, or on Jesus, who encourages us forward despite our fears?

Believe What God Says About You

Remember, God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Declare over yourself: “I will not fear failure; I will rejoice in the lessons learned along the way.”


Father, help me to embrace a new outlook on what I consider failure to be. Help me see it as part of the process rather than a place I dread ending up. Failure is not my identity; it is simply part of the journey I am on, and I am ready to learn the lessons You want to teach me. Remove my fear of failure with joy for the journey. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

In this journey, we learn that failure is not the destination; it is merely part of the process. We grow and learn from each experience, continually moving forward with Jesus, the Lord of our outcome. So let’s say goodbye to the fear of failure and embrace the beautiful journey the Lord has us on. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!



Read last week’s post, Say Goodbye to Fear: Embrace Courage HERE.