“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 NIV

Are there any dry areas of your life that you could use God to breathe on and restore? Are there any God seeds laying dormant in your heart that He may have planted long ago—any dreams, gifts, or talents that you haven’t been using and you are desperate for God to activate? Do you desire for God to do a new thing in you?

As our verse for today says, God is doing a new thing! And it is springing fourth from within! God is making a way in what you thought was lost and streams of living water bubble up in what we deem a dried up wasteland! Nothing, and no-one, is too far gone for God to restore and make new!!

The words—breathe the breath of God—have been rolling around in my spirit for days.

Why is this important?

Well, God’s breath gives us life! (Genesis 2:7)

God breathes into dry and dead things and they come alive! (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

His breath brings new life!

There is a certain degree of stewardship we are responsible for when it comes to the gifts, dreams and talents God plants in us. (Read Matthew 25) Are you stewarding them well? Are you acknowledging what God has planted in you, thanking Him for it and bringing it to Him in the secret place where these dreams, gifts, talents are watered and grow? Just as I wrote about in a previous devotional, Watering Your Dreams, I spent many years in a dry place with the Lord. My dreams, gifts and talents were all there—God had planted them in my youth and even when He was forming and fashioning me in my mother’s womb—but I wasn’t stewarding them. They became dry and as such, so did I.

It wasn’t until I began diving into the secret place… into that special quiet time of fellowship with the Lord that I could see what I had considered dead come alive again and begin to grow and flourish!!!

Today, bring your gifts, your talents, your dreams before the Lord and ask Him to breathe new life into what you feel has died! Seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and don’t stop! He will begin to water what’s been planted and your soul will begin to flourish!

God is breathing on dry bones today! He is watering what you called dead and bringing NEW life!!

We serve a God of restoration and life!!!

Take the plunge. Go deeper with God and He will go deep within you and breathe life into what you’ve written off as dead!

I love you,

P.S. How can I be praying for you today?