“Just then he looked up and saw the rich people dropping offerings in the collection plate. Then he saw a poor widow put in two pennies. He said, ‘The plain truth is that this widow has given by far the largest offering today. All these others made offerings that they’ll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn’t afford—she gave her all!'” —Luke 21:1–4

God sees what you bring Him. He sees your sacrifice. Most importantly He sees your heart, your obedience.

The heart of God is that, to Him, obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22). Honoring Him and being faithful to follow the principles of His heart is more important to Him than the volume of our gift. Giving one penny is more valuable than a million dollars when given out of a heart desiring to honor God verses giving out of extravagance and duty. Gone are the days of religious duty, they’ve been gone now for 2000 years so it’s time we catch up with what Jesus taught us in the gospels. He said in Luke 21:3–4, better is the gift she gave because she put in all she had.

Everything she had she invested in Jesus. Though this widow lacked earthly abundance what she did have was far greater than the rich around her and that was perspective. Somehow she knew she could come into the temple and give her small copper coins in the face of man’s ridicule knowing she walked in the everlasting embrace of the only man who mattered, Jesus.

She got it!

And we should too.

Know that what you do, what you give, what you say and most important the heart behind it is noticed by God. He sees you friend. He sees what you’ve been doing, how hard you’ve been working. He notices the progress you’ve made. While others around you may not notice, God does. And He says over you today, “My son/daughter, I Am proud of you.”

This Week’s Challenge: What is God asking you to bring? Give Jesus your all this week. Seek Him and ask Him to reveal His plan. His ways. And that simple step of obedience for each day. He loves when you obey, and as you seek Him He’ll give you the strength and wisdom to do just that.

I love you,

Click HERE to read last Sunday’s Weekly Devotional, When You Need Courage to “Go For It”.